SkyUp becomes Ukraine’s first beneficiary of Split Scimitar winglets

SkyUp Hybrid airline’s entire fleet of Boeing 737NGs have been equipped with the devices (APB)

SkyUp Airlines has become the first Ukraine operator of the latest Split Scimitar winglet technology. Installations have now been completed on its entire fleet of two Boeing 737-700s and six B737-800s, says device designer Aviation Partners Boeing (APB).

APB’s latest wingtip iteration, the Split Scimitar Winglet, retrofits the existing blended winglets with new aerodynamic scimitar-shaped tips with the addition of a large ventral strake that further increases the aircraft’s operating efficiency.

“SkyUp is not only establishing itself as a leading charter and scheduled airline in Ukraine, but is now taking steps to become the most fuel efficient, environmentally friendly and technologically advanced,” says Christopher Stafford, APB’s director of sales and marketing.”

The Split Scimitar Winglet modification reduces the Boeing Next-Generation 737 block fuel consumption by up to an additional 2.2 per cent over Blended Winglets. Calculated annually, Split Scimitar Winglets will save SkyUp Airlines more than 225,000 litres of fuel and a corresponding 568 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per aircraft. Additionally, the Split Scimitar Winglet System can increase payload capability by 1.2 tonnes on SkyUp’s longest routes.

“We are proud to be the first in Ukraine to fly Split Scimitar Winglets. Such an upgrade gives a further opportunity to save fuel and allows for performing more distant flights. In addition, the airplane with Split Scimitar Winglets has better aerodynamics, demonstrates improved stability in flight and softness when landing. We focus on long-term progress. Therefore, SkyUp Airlines pays attention to both its own development and the growth of the airline industry in Ukraine,” stresses Evgeny Khaynatsky, chief executive of SkyUp Airlines.

Aviation Partners Boeing is a Seattle-based joint venture of Aviation Partners Inc and The Boeing Company.

Based in Kyiv, SkyUp is a Ukrainian carrier registered as SkyUp LLC. The airline was introduced as a new national airline in 2017 and operates as both a charter and scheduled carrier, having commenced operations on 21 May, 2018, using Boeing 737NG aircraft on domestic and international services.

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