Army 2017: Russian Navy to replace foreign-built engines

United Engine Corporation (UEC) has recently received the task to create Russian-built gas-turbine ship engines and components that will replace foreign analogs in the Russian Navy. As part of the program UEC-Saturn is working on three projects.
The first is mastering series production of a 27500 hp M90FR engine which is a part of gas-turbine M55R unit for Project 22350 frigates. Two engines were built by the company by summer 2017. The first one has already completed the initial stage of factory testing, the second was sent on predelivery tests. Research and development works are scheduled to be finished in December, 2017.
Admiral Gorshkov, the lead ship of Project 22350, was commissioned in 2010 and is expected to be put into service of the Russian Navy this year.
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The second project as part of the import substitution is connected with the M70FRU-2 gas-turbine engine development as well as ship gas-turbine units M35R-1, M35R-2 and M70R with 10000 hp for small landing hovercraft, Project 12061 Murena and 12322 Zubr (operational since 1985 and 1988 respectively). Last spring UEC-Saturn has launched testing of M35R-1 unit with M70FRU-2 for the Zubr project.
The third program UEC-Saturn is dealing with is the M70FRU-2 engine development with reversible power turbine which will substitute the foreign-built powerplants on Russian Navy ships. The project is planned to be finished in December, 2017.
UEC representative told Show Observer that the company plans to launch series production of the above mentioned engines and units in 2018. The corporation representative also said that as naval ship powerplants are built on modular principles, the announced engine family will be sufficient to equip all the modern project ships.
In parallel with developing engines and units UEC-Saturn is finishing the creation of an assembly and testing complex of ship gas-turbine units which is already used to test M35R-1 unit. The initial certification of the testbed, metrological checks of the measurement systems and putting the complex into operation is scheduled on December, 2017.
By Valentin Makov
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