Russian Helicopters gets new chief designer

Nikolay Pavlenko will be responsible for shaping and implementing a common R&D and Innovation Policy across the holding's subsidiaries Nikolay Pavlenko will be responsible for shaping and implementing a common R&D and Innovation Policy across the holding's subsidiaries (Photo by Russian Helicopters)

Russian Helicopters has appointed Nikolay Pavlenko, former First Deputy Executive Director of the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant, to the newly created position of the Chief Designer of the Russian rotorcraft holding. In the new position he will be tasked with development of advanced helicopter-borne systems, as well as further upgrade of the holding’s existing military and special-mission products. Besides, Pavlenko will be responsible for shaping and implementing a common R&D and Innovation Policy across the holding’s subsidiaries, Russian Helicopters said in a statement.

Having received his university degree in helicopter engineering from the Moscow Aviation Institute, Pavlenko started his career as a design engineer at the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant in 1976. With a professional experience of over 35 years at various levels of the corporate structure he was appointed the Chief Designer and First Deputy CEO of the Mil Helicopter Plant in 2014. He took up the new position in the Russian Helicopters Holding on August 24, 2016.

Pavlenko is an expert in structural analysis of rotor blades, says Russian Helicopters. He is the creator of several programs used in new generation rotor blade performance analysis and the author of multiple researches on aeroelastic stability, dynamic properties and structural integrity of the main rotor system. Pavlenko “has contributed a great deal to designing, maturation and flight testing of Mi-26, Mi-28, Mi-34, Mi-38 helicopters and was the inventor of a new main rotor concept for high-speed helicopters,” the company adds.

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