Russian government revises SSJ100 sales target down

The 2018 sales target for the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) regional jetliner has been set at 30 aircraft, TASS newswire reports, quoting Russian Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov. The figure is lower than what was originally projected by the manufacturer, Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), who earlier announced plans to sell 38 airframes next year.
According to Manturov, more than half of the output available next year will be sold to Russian carriers. Some of the newly built airframes might end up with Yamal Airlines and Azimuth Airlines.
Russia’s Federal Air Transport Agency (FATA) reports that, as of December 2017, Yamal’s fleet included eight SSJ100s (RA-89081, RA-89068, RA-89069, RA-89070, RA-89071, RA-89072, RA-89073, and RA-89035), all delivered via GTLK State Transport Leasing Company. Further deliveries are expected before the year is out. Overall, the carrier expects to have eventually brought its SSJ100 fleet up to 25 airframes.
Azimuth Airlines currently operates four SSJ100s delivered in 2017, also via GTLK. The Russian start-up carrier plans to have a total of 16 SSJ100s in its fleet, and is currently eyeing four aircraft from SCAC.
Aeroflot remains the world’s largest operator of the type with a fleet of 35 aircraft, according to SCAC ( 31 airframes, according to FATA). Outside Russia, Mexican Interjet is the largest operator with 22 SSJ100s in its fleet. The Mexican carrier earlier confirmed plans to place an order for 10 more aircraft. Ireland’s CityJet is expecting delivery of 15 such aircraft, and has an option for 16 more.
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