Aviation professionals to discuss future of Russian MRO

Russian air transport industry is gradually recovering from the blows of previous years and is preparing for a new leap, last year transport statistics and this year’s trends suggest. However more important changes are going on in the segment of civil aviation that is usually hidden from the general public view – the segment of aircraft maintenance and repair (MRO).
After changing over almost fully to foreign aircraft the Russian airlines are now growing their skills in localizing maintenance and repair processes often singling out their structural divisions into a separate business. They are attracting their first foreign clients and the questions of enhancing global competitiveness are coming to the forefront.
The topic of maintenance and repair industry development in Russia and neighboring countries will be one of the main themes at the MRO Russia & CIS 2017 international conference and exhibition that starts today in Moscow. The largest event in the region, this exhibition takes place for the 12th time already. The interest towards aircraft maintenance and repair is confirmed by the growing number of the exhibition participants – more than 70 companies from about 30 countries have taken part in the exhibition. Among them are Russian and foreign airlines, MRO providers and spare parts suppliers, aviation industry enterprises.
Every year the program of the conference is adjusted taking into account the most vital topics among the industry players. This year the plenary session special focus is on the problems of MRO market development problems in the region and enhancing competitiveness of the growing number of Russian providers. During the practical sessions the participants will have an opportunity to get acquainted with advanced solutions and discuss digital technologies implementation in the sphere of MRO as well as aircraft components repair practices. One of the sessions will be completely dedicated to the changes in the customs legislation.
Throughout the years of its existence the event has gained the reputation of not only a discussion platform, a place for meetings and talks but also an effective instrument for promoting products and services among the market players.
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