MRO Russia & CIS 2022: civil aviation unites the world February 2nd, 2022 The largest MRO event in Eastern Europe and Central Asia will be held on March 10-11 in Moscow [...]
CIS states close their borders and suspend air connections March 26th, 2020 Belarus is the only nation in the region to describe closing borders as ‘nonsense’ [...]
Insight: Kyrgyzstan adopts controversial opens-skies policy February 1st, 2019 The move will further aggravate the situation for local carriers, but help the country maintain air connections with the rest of the world [...]
flydubai to begin direct services to Uzbekistan January 31st, 2019 The Dubai-based carrier will operate to every country in Central Asia [...]
MRO Russia & CIS is the leading professional gathering in the region January 23rd, 2019 More than 1,200 professionals are expected to attend the 14th conference and exhibition in Moscow [...]
Discover how Russia and the CIS’ air transport business will become the biggest in Eastern Europe, Central Asia January 15th, 2019 Talk to market players at Aircraft Finance and Lease Russia & CIS conference [...]
Russia and CIS commercial airliner fleet to double by 2037 says Airbus November 19th, 2018 The European manufacturer presents its version of the 20-year regional aircraft demand forecast [...]
Passenger traffic between Russia and the CIS grew by 16 per cent in September November 2nd, 2018 Russian airlines collectively carried 89.185 million passengers in the first nine months of this year [...]
Russia and CIS to take three-to-eight per cent of all new aircraft deliveries within two decades July 19th, 2018 Major aircraft manufacturers look to commercial aviation growth in the region [...]
CIS civil aviation accident rates deteriorate June 11th, 2018 The Interstate Aviation Committee records show ‘steady negative dynamics’ in accident rates since 2014 [...]
INTERVIEW: Russian bizav market shows signs of recovery September 9th, 2016 Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation explains, why there is still hope for the Russian business aviation market [...]