Aeroflot signs agreement with Krasnokutsky Flight School to employ top-performing graduates

aeroflot press-release

Moscow, 13 September 2016. Aeroflot has signed an agreement with the Krasnokutsky Flight School at Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute to offer guaranteed employment to students who graduate at the top of their class.

The Krasnokutsky Flight School in Russia’s Saratov region is one of the nation’s leading centers for flight deck training, having prepared more than 27,000 pilots over its more than 70-year history. The School boasts top-notch training facilities and a highly qualified faculty.

The agreement calls for Krasnokutsky Flight School to offer practical training specifically on aircraft in the Aeroflot fleet, ensuring that Aeroflot has the opportunity to employ fully trained pilots who need not undergo additional lengthy preparation after they are hired.

Aeroflot is the largest employer in Russian civil aviation, employing more than 21,000 professionals as Aeroflot – Russian Airlines and approximately 34,000 professionals as Aeroflot Group.

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