Aeroflot ranked second globally for WiFi access on long-haul routes

Aeroflot has been named among the world’s leading airlines for passenger WiFi Internet access on long-haul flights. The Russian flag-carrier placed second among global carriers in the annual State of In-Flight WiFi Survey compiled by popular US flights portal Routehappy in terms of share of flights with WiFi provision.
Aeroflot gives its passengers WiFi access on almost 100% of its long-haul flights – more than peers including Emirates, Delta, Turkish Airlines, Singapore Airlines and Qatar, according to Routehappy.
The airline’s Internet On Board programme has seen WiFi made available on 35 long-haul aircraft (22 Airbus A330 and 13 Boeing B777).
Aeroflot has achieved widespread international recognition for its innovation and deployment of the latest IT solutions. Russia’s #1 airline prides itself on being an innovative company, and sees the latest IT solutions as a core element of a high-quality product offering