Aeroflot introduces bank-card and document recognition on mobile apps

Aeroflot has added a bank-card recognition module to its iOS and Android apps. Using a device’s built-in camera to read information on a bank card makes buying tickets significantly faster and raises the quality of service provided.
Before buying tickets using the app, users can enter all their card details simply by holding the card in front of the device’s camera for a few seconds. Scanning the card automatically enters the card number, expiration date and the name of the cardholder into the payment form, and works even for cards with a high level of protection. The Smart IDReader technology, developed by Russian company Smart Engines, contains a feature that makes it particularly appealing to customers in Russia – it recognises cards issued by the Russian national payment system Mir, which counts over 350 participating banks across Russia.
The mobile apps also now include document scanning and recognition, and can recognise ID documents and use them to automatically fill in passenger data fields. The average time to fully process the document is around 1-2 seconds. Using this function the required fields can be quickly filled in automatically, saving a significant amount of time.
Development of mobile apps is a key areas of Aeroflot’s strategy. The company uses the latest techniques for developing mobile apps, which provide a new level of quality in terms of passenger service and offer a wide range of options from flight check-in and access to personal accounts to choosing the correct fare and quickly purchasing tickets.
Aeroflot is one of the leaders in passenger aviation in the use of digital technologies, both in Russia and internationally. In 2017, the company was awarded the TADVISER IT-PRIZE 2017 in the nomination “Mobile Application of the Year”.
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