Aeroflot futures contract trading launched by Moscow Exchange

aeroflot press-release

Aeroflot (Moscow Exchange ticker: AFLT) announces the launch of futures derivative contracts trading on Moscow Exchange’s Derivatives Market.

Moscow Exchange’s Derivatives Market has launched trading of a futures contract on Aeroflot ordinary shares with settlement in September and December 2017. The decision to launch the contract series was taken by Moscow Exchange based on Aeroflot’s status as one of the most liquid stocks on the Exchange in terms of the underlying asset, as well as potential interest from investors in the new instruments. Aeroflot’s shares thus joined those of 22 Russian issuers on which derivatives are traded. A market maker has been appointed by the Exchange to ensure effective market functioning and support trading volumes.

The new instrument is likely to be of interest to current and potential investors in Aeroflot shares pursuing alternative investment strategies who, for example, have a need to hedge risks and positions, and is expected to have an additional positive effect on the liquidity of PJSC Aeroflot’s shares in the secondary market.

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+7 (495) 258-06-86

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