Ural Airlines’ passenger traffic shows increased growth in September

Ural Airlines carried 711,000 passengers in September, by 20% more than a year ago Ural Airlines carried 711,000 passengers in September, by 20% more than a year ago (Photo by Fyodor Borisov/Transport-Photo.com)

Ural Airlines has demonstrated an increased growth of passenger traffic in September. The airline, one of Russia’s five largest carriers, managed to increase its numbers by 20%, to 711,000 passengers, a rate it hasn’t seen since June of this year.

Ural Airlines boosted the total number of flights by 7% last month, to a total of 4,847 flights. The passenger turnover rate registers 1,724 million passenger kilometers, an increase of 22%.

For the first nine months of the year the number of passengers increased by 17%, to 4.982 million. Compared to the January-August figures, the growth rate has remained the same.

Ural Airlines shows increased traffic despite a general trend of stagnation in the Russian air transport market. In August, the total number of passengers carried on Russian airlines decreased by 10.1% compared to last year. However, traffic carried on Russia’s five largest carriers continues to grow.

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