Ural Airlines carried over million passengers in early 2018

Ural Aerlines is based at Yekaterinburg The carrier operates a 43-strong Airbus fleet (Basel Aero)

Russia’s Ural Airlines maintained its high passenger traffic trajectory with a 20% year-on-year improvement during the first two months of 2018. The airline carried 1.04 million passengers in the period; its aircraft performed 7,691 flights, including 4,310 within Russia, 1,762 in the CIS, and 1,619 to further abroad. The number of flights grew by 16%.

In February, 473,134 passengers used the services of Ural Airlines (up 20% year-on-year). In total, 3,457 flights were performed during this month, of which 1,935 services were across Russia, 813 to the CIS countries, and 709 flights to further abroad. Revenue passenger kilometers for February amounted to 1,164 million.

In the whole of last year, Ural Airlines carried more than eight million passengers (up 24% yearr-on-year) across some 200 destinations. The airline’s 43-strong Airbus fleet consists of 23 A320s, 13 A321s, and seven of the smaller A319s.

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