Sibir and Globus continue steep growth path

Sibir and Globus' Growth Partially Slows Sibir and Globus airlines have again demonstrated double-digit growth / Photo by Gleb Osokin - Russian AviaPhoto Team // Wikipedia

In August, Russia’s Sibir and Globus airlines have again demonstrated double-digit growth, registering at 26.1% YOY, to 1.516 million passengers. The airlines, which fly under the S7 brand and belong to the S7 Group, show a slight decrease in the rate of growth recorded for the month of July, when growth was at 29.5%.

Some slowing of growth registered in both the domestic and international sectors of the airlines however. The rate of growth on domestic routes in August was 30.5%, to 1.084 million passengers, against July’s 32.9%. On international routes the number of passengers increased by 16.3%, to 432.7 thousand passengers, against 21.8% in July.

In the first eight months of 2016, Siberia and Globus’ combined passenger traffic increased 24.7%, to 8.827 million passengers. Growth from January through July reached 24.5%.

S7 has announced that, with the active growth in mind, the company will keep several seasonal destinations open for the winter season, including to Palma de Majorca, Barcelona, and Batumi.

According to the Federal Air Transport Agency, passenger traffic on the Russian market declined 8.2% in January through July.

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