Portuguese MRO completes C-checks on Air Astana E190s

Air Astana operates nine Embraers OGMA services the Kazakh carrier's Embraer fleet under a three-year contract (OGMA)

OGMA, a Portuguese MRO provider, has carried out C-checks on Kazakh flagship carrier Air Astana’s fleet of nine Embraer E190 regional airliners. The service is being provided under a three-year maintenance contract signed in March 2016.

Air Astana’s agreement with the provider includes upgrades to the in-flight entertainment system installed on the carrier’s Embraer fleet.

While the airline initially had concerns about having its E190s maintained in Portugal, it no has no complaints about OGMA’s work. The Portuguese company appears to be similarly happy with the cooperation. CEO Nelson Vaz comments: “Air Astana’s trust in our services strengthens our position in the worldwide market.”

The carrier chose OGMA for its maintenance services after its contract ran out with Dutch MRO provider Martinair. The airline currently operates 22 aircraft in addition to its E190LR fleet, including Airbus A320s, Boeing 757s and 767s.

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